[OpenStack Marketing] Bulletin: Feature your customer; participate in OpenStack's global campaign; events job opportunity

Heidi Joy Tretheway heidijoy at openstack.org
Thu Jun 16 19:04:07 UTC 2016

OpenStack Marketing Bulletin
June 17, 2016

If you missed our Marketing Community Meeting today, we previewed OpenStack’s marketing plan for the next six months. Download the recording <https://openstack.webex.com/openstack/lsr.php?RCID=0fb23a5c47d34f24c9785e3127a44324>, or view the streaming presentation <https://openstack.webex.com/openstack/ldr.php?RCID=dbfd3f874b72a3c21d277d68a723384b>, which runs just 37 minutes. You can also download the slides <https://www.dropbox.com/s/ozzxbzw5oegls4f/OpenStack%20Marketing%20Plan%202H%202016.pptx?dl=0>.

All OpenStack marketers are invited to be part of an exciting global campaign backed by foundation resources that promotes OpenStack, and is vendor-neutral so that any company in the ecosystem can benefit. It might take many forms: video, web, print, advertising, and events.
Let us know <mailto:heidijoy at openstack.org> if you’re interested, or join our kickoff meeting Friday, June 24 at 1700 UTC/ 10 a.m. Pacific. <https://openstack.webex.com/openstack/j.php?MTID=m48642a6b80e36b63299600bf7386240e>
We’re looking for an OpenStack User to feature in a speaking slot with OpenStack Executive Director Jonathan Bryce at the Gartner Catalyst event Aug. 15. Tell us <mailto:allison at openstack.org> about a customer or contact you’d like us to feature.

We’re hiring on the OpenStack events team! We’re looking for an OpenStack Summit Programming Manager <http://www.openstack.org/community/jobs/view/2917/openstack-summit-programming-manager> who will help ensure we’re programming the best quality and most relevant content for the OpenStack Summits, and possibly support other community events such as OpenStack Days or speakers / workshops at industry events. The ideal candidate will have a strong understanding of the various audiences attending the OpenStack Summit, and determine how we can best source, organize and communicate content for each audience.

Don’t miss the Analyst Relations Working Group meeting next month. 
Thursday, July 21 at 1700 UTC/ 10 a.m. Pacific <https://openstack.webex.com/openstack/j.php?MTID=m312d1a9c7fbeaa65bf06cae7c8a5bab5>
The OpenStack Marketing Bulletin is a resource for the OpenStack marketing community, distributed every 2-4 weeks to the marketing mailing list <http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/marketing>. You’ll find upcoming events <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N6Fi1iAgpkDKMkcaTh8s7pwPzwjKuPzJJdgxR8bA29E/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=992025170.>, opportunities to participate, fresh content <http://www.openstack.org/marketing>, and important dates. Watch for future marketing meetings <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/Marketing#Open_Marketing_Meetings_2014.2F2015> (use this link to see past agendas, slides, and recordings too). The bulletin is edited by Heidi Joy Tretheway <mailto:heidijoy at openstack.org> and your contributions are welcome.

Heidi Joy

Heidi Joy Tretheway
Senior Marketing Manager, OpenStack Foundation
503 816 9769  |  skype: heidi.tretheway

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