[openstack-community] Setting up Upstream Training in Tokyo [upstream]

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Mon Jul 27 19:02:01 UTC 2015

Great to see so many people stepping up: thank you.

On 07/25/2015 06:50 AM, Tony Campbell wrote:
> You can count me in.  I’d be happy to help in the effort.  

One area of improvement is the way we handle registration and track
progress of trainees.

In the past we have used Eventbrite to manage the registration and
google spreadsheet+trello to track trainees progress. The main issue is
that we have lots of cancellations on Eventbrite: since the event is
free, many people sign up without reading fully what the event really is.

Ideally, we want the applicants to start studying before they show up to
be trained, so that they have already good questions to ask and doubts
to clear. Also, they'd manage to engage with trainers and mentors ahead
of time. In this ideal world, as soon as someone expresses interest in
Upstream Training, that person is matched with a mentor and starts
getting ready.

I'm thinking that this time instead of Eventbrite we may use a google
Form to collect candidates and engage them with mentors immediately, as
they sign up. We may quickly put something together with Forms, IFTT or
zapier and Trello.

The process would look like this:

1) signup on Google Forms, zapier creates a new card on Trello with the
2) mentor picks up the card, engages with candidate, looks for a bug to
work on, sets a communication channel (IRC preferrably):

- if candidate engages, the spot is assigned and training continues in Tokyo
- if candidate doesn't respond to mentor, the card is marked 'inactive'
and the spot considered free for Tokyo

3) after the in person training in Tokyo, mentorship continues and cards
are moved forward as the trainee progresses.

How does this look?


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