[openstack-community] Let's Help OpenStackers in Emerging Countries

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Jun 14 16:19:53 UTC 2013

On Fri 14 Jun 2013 08:42:30 AM PDT, Rafael Knuth wrote:
> One of our key takeaways was that many attendees from emerging regions
> like Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific were not able to join our
> Google+ Hangout due to bandwidth limitations.

I have experienced the same issues with Hangouts with my brother in 
Italy (his home is very distant from the ADSL switch --whatever it's 
called, and his connection speed is very low). Hangout uses too much 
bandwidth for some parts of the world.

> We spoke with OpenStackers in Ghana, Ethiopia, India and we came up
> with the following idea: Why don't we transcribe our Google+ Hangout
> sessions and distribute that content live via IRC?

Have you considered ditching Hangout altogether at this point and go 
straight to IRC? What would Hangout be used for?

If (understandably) you would like to use voice for the meeting, I 
would look at alternatives like Mumble/Murmur or good old phone lines 
sided with slides shared online as simple html. For low bandwidth that 
should be more than enough and every participant is on the same level 
(no first class citizens).

Mozilla Foundation uses https://air.mozilla.org/ where they stream 
audio and video (broadcast, from multiple sites now) from the rooms 
they meet in and accept questions in from audience via IRC. This is an 
example of a recorded meeting 
https://air.mozilla.org/the-monday-meeting-20130610/. It used to be 
less sophisticated than that, the latest recordings seem too fancy :)

I think it would be good to have a general purpose platform, simple to 
use, to connect events across the world. I think a URL to announce the 
event, share slides and one-click-connect to live audio stream (video, 
if possible) would be great to have.


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