[OpenStack Foundation] Update to proposal on Foundation structure

Mark Collier mark at openstack.org
Fri Mar 9 03:31:51 UTC 2012

Hey y'all, we've decided to hold the webinars next week on Tuesday at 4pm central and Wednesday at 9am central to catch people in different parts of the world as we did last time.  We're hoping to get a lot of participation to hear feedback from folks about the latest draft we shared this week on the Foundation Structure, and discuss next steps.

We're going to be trying a new online meeting tool this time called meetingburner, since not everyone was thrilled with the readytalk system we used last time.  I really have no idea how well meetingburner will work, but let's give it a try and find out. A few things to note:

1)  Unlike Readytalk, you do NOT need to dial into a bridge via phone to hear the call. In fact, with the free account we're testing the bridge will only accomodate 15 callers so please do NOT dial into the bridge number unless you absolutely have to.  Instead, when the webinar starts look for a little button on the left side of your browser to listen to the old fashioned way: over the internet. Let's try that.

2)  There is a chat box where everyone can chat amongst ourselves - another missing feature from readytalk. The only flaw is that the box is really tiny, so we'll see how well it works.

Registration Links:

Tuesday March 13th at 4pm Central:  http://markcollier.enterthemeeting.com/m/EE23MEC8

Wednesday March 14th at 9am Central:  http://markcollier.enterthemeeting.com/m/3DP2HPKO

Mark Collier
cell:  512-791-0356

On Tuesday, March 6, 2012 10:20pm, "Mark Collier" <mark at openstack.org> said:

> Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the discussion on the Foundation
> structure over the past few weeks. As I see it, the feedback has fallen into two
> main buckets--structure of the Board and make up of the Technical Committee--along
> with a few other tactical, but important details that are probably better worked
> out in the next phase.
> On the Board structure the most consist feedback we heard was to make it easier
> for a more diverse set of organizations to be involved in the Board. To make it
> more accessible, we have created a new membership class: Associate Members.
> Associate Members would pay significantly lower fees, adjusted for company size,
> and as a class elect one person to the Board for each Strategic seat. Individual
> Members would also elect one person to the Board for each Strategic seat. The new
> Board structure would therefore be 1/3 elected by Individual Members, 1/3 elected
> by Associate Members, and 1/3 appointed by Strategic Members. The wiki was updated
> to reflect this: http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Foundation/Structure
> While there are other Board options that have been floated around (all
> individuals, no individuals and everything in between), this type of mixed
> structure still seems to have the broadest support.
> There are also open questions about the mechanics of the Technical Committee, such
> as the role of PTLs on it, what qualifiers (if any) are placed on those who wish
> to vote in the elections, etc., so the Structure draft just makes note of that
> fact for now. I think we should keep that discussion going in the existing threads
> on the topic and Thierry's draft in the wiki. We can just incorporate that
> document into the Structure as it gets closer to being done.
> The next phase will kick off the Drafting Committee mentioned in a previous email.
> We'll be publishing a commitment letter this week and asking companies that intend
> to become members to sign to that effect. We would like to set an aggressive
> deadline (late March) for signatures by interested companies so that we can keep
> the process moving. After the deadline, the Drafting Committee will be formed with
> each potential Strategic Member assigning an attorney to assist Alice King in the
> drafting process. The committee will  produce drafts of the legal documents to be
> published in the open for review and comment. These documents will be a good place
> to get into those finer details, such as the question of how a Board member could
> be removed or what happens in the case of an acquisition or merger between
> corporate members.
> We'll hold webinars on Thurdsday & Friday this week (March 8 & 9) to gather
> additional feedback.
> Thanks again for caring so much about the future of OpenStack!
> Mark
> @sparkycollier
> cell: 512-791-0356

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