[OpenStack Foundation] Nomination Process Updates

Mark McLoughlin markmc at redhat.com
Wed Aug 1 21:31:26 UTC 2012

On Wed, 2012-08-01 at 12:37 -0700, Benjamin Black wrote:
> why are employees of platinum and gold member companies allows to run
> at all given that the point of the individual seats is to expand
> representation to include those unable to pay to play? 

Directors elected by the Individual Members should serve to represent
the Individual Members on the board. Directors appointed by Platinum or
Gold Members are explicitly there to represent the interests of their

It's not all that different from contributing successfully to an
open-source project. You learn to switch between two hats - your
"company hat" and your "project hat" - and focus on the interests of
your company or the project as appropriate.

Personally, I will only be voting for candidates who I think understand
the distinction and will wear their "project hat" at all times on the


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