[Foundation Board] OpenInfra Summit Vancouver Highlights

Allison Price allison at openinfra.dev
Mon Jun 26 17:19:09 UTC 2023

Hi everyone, 

Thank you to those who were able to join the OpenInfra Summit Vancouver in person as well as those who participated remotely or followed along online. It was a great week filled with a lot of energy from the attendees representing over 350 organizations from 50 countries around the world. I’d also like to extend a huge thank you to the organizations who sponsored the OpenInfra Summit, especially our Headline sponsor Wind River and Premier sponsor Okestro. 

A lot happened over those three days, so I wanted to share a few highlights with the Board of Directors: 

There was a lot of onsite excitement around the launch of OpenInfra Europe and OpenInfra Asia. The OpenInfra Foundation hosted an onsite meeting for each hub that was well attended with participating organizations asking how they can get more involved. 
The launch of the regional hubs also received global coverage in key markets in North America, Europe and Asia
TechCrunch: OpenInfra Foundation opens regional hubs in Europe and Asia <https://www.globalvillagespace.com/tech/openinfra-foundation-launches-regional-hubs-in-europe-and-asia/>
Linux Magazin: OpenInfra Foundation eröffnet Zentren in Europa und Asien <https://www.linux-magazin.de/news/openinfra-foundation-eroeffnet-zentren-in-europa-und-asien/>
TechZine Europe: OpenInfra Foundation opens European hub in Belgium <https://www.techzine.eu/news/devops/107458/openinfra-foundation-opens-european-hub-in-belgium/>
ZDnet: OpenInfra基金会在欧洲、亚洲分设运营中心,进一步维护与推动开源生态的发展 <https://big-data.zhiding.cn/2023/0614/3150195.shtml>

Conversations around OpenStack and Kubernetes were happening as often as ever, including increased interest around how StarlingX combines these two components. I personally talked to several attendees who were attending the OpenInfra Summit specifically to learn more about StarlingX, which was great to hear—especially as the community gathered to celebrate its 5 year anniversary. 
Ant Group and Microsoft contributors met onsite to discuss increased, long-term collaboration around Kata Containers. The Microsoft team was very excited to engage with the community to have their developer team contribute back upstream. I look forward to seeing much more collaboration happen here. 
We had a lot of particularly technical keynote demos, which seemed to resonate really well with the audience. They covered everything from LOKI using Magnum to AI with OpenStack and an AI confidential computing use case with Kata Containers. If you haven’t had a chance to see them yet, you can catch them on YouTube here <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOmoFOLaR7A&list=PLKqaoAnDyfgqsxQDbLj4LVpKiZSDbntuC&index=1&t=1443s>. 
Like I mentioned earlier, we had over 350 organizations attend and got a lot of increased engagement from organizations who are newly investing in OpenInfra including ARM around StarlingX, NVIDIA around OpenStack, and Equinix who shared interest in increasing investment across multiple OpenInfra projects, including Kata Containers, OpenStack, and StarlingX. 
In addition to the announcements distributed by the OpenInfra Foundation, coverage included news and updates across the global OpenInfra community: 
StarlingX turned 5! <https://superuser.openinfra.dev/articles/starlingx-is-turning-5/>
Lifetime OpenStack Contributor Metrics Now Available in Bitergia Dashboard  <https://www.openstack.org/blog/lifetime-openstack-contributor-metrics-now-available-in-bitergia-dashboard/>
Microsoft Showcases Use of Kata Containers for Pod Sandboxing, Zero Trust Environments on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) at OpenInfra Summit Vancouver <https://katacommunity.medium.com/microsoft-showcases-use-of-kata-containers-for-pod-sandboxing-zero-trust-environments-on-azure-1a808f910c02>
Red Hat upgrades OpenStack Platform to support modern network deployments <https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/13/openinfra-foundation-opens-regional-hubs-in-europe-and-asia/>
Canonical's Sunbeam makes OpenStack more viable for small-scale deployments <https://techcrunch.com/2023/06/13/canonicals-sunbeam-makes-openstack-more-viable-for-small-scale-deployments/>
Okestro proves its technological competitiveness at 'Open Infrastructure Summit 2023' <https://www.edaily.co.kr/news/read?newsId=01377606635644672&mediaCodeNo=257>

Thank you again to everyone for your support as we gathered the community to collaborate in person. We also appreciate everyone’s input as we evolve the OpenInfra Foundation event strategy for 2024. I will continue to keep you all updated as well as reach out for feedback throughout this process. 


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