(Note: I am a complete amateur with Git, so maybe my question is silly – but I’ll risk it … )



Hi all

I’m in the process of releasing some functions in both ONAP and O-RAN SC today.

As part of this process I am creating new branches on the remote (‘remote:origin’ ) repositories using their web-based gerrit GUI (e.g. https://gerrit.o-ran-sc.org/r/admin/repos/sim/a1-interface,branches (j-release branch))
However, it takes about a day for the new branch to appear in the Nordix gerrit (‘remote:gerrit’).

(i.e. I can’t see the new branch using various combinations of :   ‘git fetch -v –refetch  --all’ and  ‘git ls-remote gerrit’  and  ‘git ls-remote origin’  and ‘git branch -r’  and ‘git remote -v update’)

As a result, I can’t make any updates (via ‘nordix, remote:gerrit’) on the new branch until then. (e.g. trigger new documentation build, roll-up version numbers etc)


Is there anyway to speed up or trigger the sync between nordix_gerrit <- onap-/oransc-gerrit ?


Or maybe I should use a different method to create the new remote (‘origin’)  branch – e.g. through Nordix, or via command line – which would get the Nordix repos up-to-date quicker?

Or maybe there’s some other trick that other people use?

Or maybe it’s a Linux Foundation issue?







Is it is the onap-*-rebase or oransc-*-rebase Jenkins jobs that do this branch syncing (tracking)?

I see in the logs that the *-rebase jobs have some git fetch’s in their logs – and those fetch jobs ‘see’ the new remote branch almost immediately, but the nordix-local branch creation doesn’t happen for ages after that.

(e.g. jenkins.nordix: oransc-sim-a1-interface-rebase: #1862 see the new ‘j-release’ branch (as shown in remote ‘origin repo’), but the sync-ed branch in Nordix does not exist - yet)





John Keeney

Master Developer

Ericsson Software Technologies

Phone: +353 87 3791678




Ericsson EST

Ericsson Software Campus

Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland

