Hi Everyone-


The Call for Presentations is NOW OPEN for the upcoming OpenStack Summit in Sydney, November 6-8th!


Important Dates:


New for this Summit: With a more focused conference, we have consolidated a few tracks and also focused on the industries where OpenStack adoption is strong in APAC and specifically Australia. View the Summit tracks.

If you are interested in becoming a track chair or nominating a colleague, the details on the selection process and track chair information can be found here. June 27 is the deadline to submit your application for track chair nominations.




Contact speakersupport@openstack.org with any submission questions.


Attendee registration is now open. Purchase your discounted early bird passes for USD $600 now. Prices will increase in early September.


Interested in sponsoring the Summit? Full details of the sponsorship signing process are outlined here. Make sure to check out page 18 of the sponsorship prospectus for a new add-on opportunity that is unique for the Sydney Summit and StackCity Community Party sponsorships.


If you have any general Summit questions, contact us at summit@openstack.org.


Kendall Waters
OpenStack Marketing