The next Marketing meeting will be on Wednesday, July 12. There will be two meetings held to accommodate community members in different time zones. Additional meeting information is available on the OpenStack Marketing wiki.


NEW Version Live -- Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam
The Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA) exam has been upgraded to Newton and has been relaunched with UX changes based on community feedback. Over 1,000 people are OpenStack certified—Are you an OpenStack training company who wants to offer the exam? Do you want to say that your OpenStack teams are certified? Chat with


Read more about the exam and see a demo of the new features!


User Survey Launches Next Week
For the first time, the OpenStack User Survey will be translated into multiple languages, including German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Traditional Chinese/Simplified Chinese, and more to come. Please help us promote the survey, which will be available starting June 26 and live through August 11, 2017.


OpenStack Summit Sydney - November 6-8


OpenStack Hackathon @ OpenStack Summit Sydney
November 3-5, 2017
Happening the weekend prior to the Sydney Summit, the OpenStack Hackathon will bring together hundreds of technologists in a supportive learning environment to practice their skills with the latest cloud tools. Stay tuned for more details.


There are several OpenStack Days in June and July:


Here’s a full lineup of the remaining OpenStack Days for 2017.


OpenStack guide for application Developers and architects
Check out the new “Designing, Migrating and Deploying Applications” guide, by the Enterprise Working Group, at The guide includes recommendations on approaches, software development and migration patterns, OpenStack tools and services, and a planning checklist for moving applications from a public cloud to a private cloud.


Workload reference architectures
Three workload reference architectures are now available at The architectures for Web Applications, Big Data and eCommerce include Heat templates that install all the servers, networking and sample applications in addition to architecture diagrams and paper for each. The workload reference architectures are part of an ongoing effort by the Enterprise Working Group with help from leading users and ecosystem members. Please contact EWG lead Leong Sun (, if you’d like to get involved in future workloads.


Send us your feedback and ideas
Is there anything you think is missing or would like to see in the OpenStack Marketing bulletin? We want your feedback and participation. Contact

Allison Price
OpenStack Foundation