I was looking at old meeting minutes and noticed this on the October 15 meeting: 15:30-16:30 - Discussion items * January election plans * Discuss proposal for certification program * Review trademark policy * Review mechanism for approving and publishing minutes I searched the emails in the foundation but did not see any information on this issue. I am a big fan of having an OpenStack Certification but I currently only see Rackspace (http://www.rackspacetraining.com/). Is the Foundation considering the creation of a set of standards that an individual must meet to be "OpenStack Certified" at which time organizations in the community could then create training classes to meet those standards? I look forward to hearing the view of the foundation on this issue and learning more about how Dell can possibly get involved to start increasing the number of OpenStack Certified professionals globally. Stephen Spector Cloud Evangelist Dell | Cloud Services office + 1 512 723 8661 stephen_spector@dell.com<mailto:stephen_spector@dell.com> | @SpectorAtDell<http://twitter.com/SpectorAtDell> | Dell Blogs RSS Blog Feed<http://en.community.dell.com/b/MainFeed.aspx?UserID=1840097>