The Open Infrastructure Foundation Board of Directors met today and Jonathan Bryce asked me to send the summary. The agenda[1] was posted ahead of time.

Julia Kreger opened the meeting by sharing board policy reminders as we welcomed new Director Young Gwang Kim from Okestro, then the Board approved the meeting minutes from the April 2, 2024 meeting.

Next, the staff presented an update on a few topics[2]. Jonathan Bryce shared progress towards our goal of increasing regional collaboration, including sharing that several Foundation employees were currently traveling from these events. Helena Spease expanded on this, providing a recap of recent global regional events, starting with several OpenInfra Days that took place across Europe[3]. Helena also provided an update on the next OpenInfra Summit which will be in Suwon, South Korea[4]. The OpenInfra Summit schedule will be released at the end of June and registration is currently open. Finally, Helena provided an update on two upcoming events: OpenInfra Days North America, date(s) TBD, and the next PTG[5], scheduled for October 21-25, 2024.

Jimmy McArthur then provided an update on activities organized around VMWare migration efforts, including results from a recently conducted survey. Some of the outcomes from this survey and subsequent member meeting included creating a working group to push these efforts forward, and a plan to create a new white paper around the opportunity and paths for organizations to adopt OpenStack offerings to meet their virtualization needs. Jimmy shared that the effort is driving new member interest in the Foundation. 

Jonathan wrapped the staff update by providing an update on the EU Cyber-Resiliency Act (CRA) standardization phase. As part of helping to influence how these standards are applied, the OpenInfra Foundation will be joining the Eclipse Foundation as an Associate member to participate in their Regulatory Compliance Workgroup. Eclipse Foundation is also exploring joining the OpenInfra Foundation at the same level. 

Next, Julia shifted to discussing the AI Contribution Policy proposal that was distributed to the board. The board approved the proposal as presented. The policy will be posted to shortly. Julia then provided an update on the informal Security Working Group. The next meeting will be Thursday, June 6 at 1500 UTC.

Finally, the Board went into executive session before wrapping up the meeting.
