Hello Everyone, I just wanted to say hello to all the Gold members and Board of OpenStack, and thank you for electing us. We're looking forwards to working with you all in open source and trying to bring our service provider customers closer to OpenStack. I thought it might also be opportune to explain the relationship between Odin and Parallels, since most of you have seen the Odin signs on our booth in Vancouver. Odin is essentially a rebrand of the Service Provider side of the business with the Consumer Products side (the one that produces Desktop for Mac) keeping the Parallels brand. The corporate entity which houses us is still called Parallels, Inc. The reason for doing this is brand separation and the avoidance of brand confusion. To illustrate the problem: at our booth in OpenStack Atlanta, we ended up fielding a lot of desktop for Mac questions ... including a couple about what on earth desktop for Mac had to do with OpenStack. At our booth in Vancouver, we didn't get any desktop for Mac questions at all. Finally, Parallels and now Odin have been on a fairly long journey in Open Source. The initial strong push began in 2011 where we were instrumental in setting up the containers meeting at the Kernel summit which lead to the unification of containers technology inside the Linux Kernel. The announcement that OpenVZ rather than being a throw it over the wall release, will be a fully open source upstream product (with open mailing lists, repositories and development processes): http://lists.openvz.org/pipermail/announce/2015-June/000592.html represents the completion of the first stage (of course, the journey itself is never over). Those of you who've been on a similar journey will recognise this means that we're also embracing an open source business model for at least our containers business. And part of this embrace means that we're very much interested in open source governance, because good governance is essential to our open source business strategy, so we're looking forwards to contributing in this area as well as stepping up our code contributions. Thanks again, James