Thanks for quick reply. :) 

If we consider all of these efforts as “find a way to support user groups more efficiently based on the maturity of them”, it all makes sense. If someone sees this “process” as “different kind of support program based on maturity of a user group”, it will be accepted as a great process to have. However, if someone sees this as “evaluating condition you have to achieve to get official rank of a user group”, it might create some negative feeling. 

Having said that, using a statement like “your user group is official by doing such such things” might create some confusion on the original intension of this activity. (I just checked etherpad, IMO, spector had some of misunderstanding I had initially about a real intension of this process.) 

Now, I understand the purpose of this process making activity, I will try to put my opinion on that regard. :) 

Jaesuk Ahn | Ph.D. 
…active member of openstack community

On Jul 18, 2014, 8:22:55 AM, Tom Fifield <> wrote:
Thanks Jaesuk.

For those on the mailing list wondering what this 'training
requirements' thing people are talking about is - it was a suggestion by
Sean Roberts on the etherpad, not part of the original proposal.

Personally, I agree and believe requiring user groups to offer training
is too onerous. I've added comments to this effect on the etherpad, in-line.

However, I think Sean raises some good ideas that we can consider,
though these are probably best separated from the official user group
process discussion:
* swag - we should investigate providing a welcome kit for new user
groups (stickers, posters, tshirts, ... ?)
* speaker registry - we need a speaker registry. stay tuned for news
here - and check out the new items on the summit speaking submission form
* training - user groups could provide training and we should assist
with this if needed
* have intermediate levels before 'official'



On 17/07/14 15:18, Jaesuk Ahn wrote:
> Sean, Tom. Stepano,
> Thanks for putting los of efforts to make us (communities) great. I am
> happy with most of things suggested in etherpad, except some details on
> training requirements. Pls see my comments on etherpad.
> Thank you.
> ---
> 안재석 | Jaesuk Ahn | Ph.D.
> sent from mobile....
> 2014. 7. 18. 오전 4:13에 "Sean Roberts" <
> <>>님이 작성:
> Can we give ourselves a deadline, like jm3, for wrapping up the
> official user group template? I'd like to socialize our ambassador
> team decision on this at the ambassador summit talk.
> Btw, I added some new details to
> ~sean
> > On Jul 17, 2014, at 11:45 AM, "Tom Fifield" <
> <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > As Stefano mentioned, we will soon be launching the new user group
> > portal to make it easier to find group information and events.
> >
> > Rather than having a long list on the wiki, we will now have
> individual
> > pages for the user groups - searchable through a map.
> >
> > To raise the visibility of active and established groups, we'd like to
> > give them some kind of "official" status and potentially a special
> logo.
> >
> > Stef, the ambassadors and myself have written up a quick draft on a
> > process that we might follow to manage the way user groups become
> > "Official".
> >
> > You can find it on the etherpad at:
> >
> >
> >
> > please let us know what you think.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> >
> > Stef & Tom
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Community mailing list
> > <>
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Community mailing list
> <>

On Jul 18, 2014, 8:22:55 AM, Tom Fifield <> wrote: