Oops, my bad :-/

I went to some of those talks but didn't fully realize that they were part of a unified track.

Anyway, I think maybe Tristan's point is to have a similar format to the developer sessions but instead with a focus on operations/deployment.

This is going to be tough though.  Vendors are naturally much more interested in the operations/deployment side for obvious reasons and that sets up more challenges for managing the meetings effectively and openly.

Anyway, I think it's a good idea (if I understood Tristan correctly).


Kili.io - OpenStack for Africa: kili.io
Musings: twitter.com/varud
About Adam: www.linkedin.com/in/adamcnelson

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Jeremy Stanley <fungi@yuggoth.org> wrote:
On 2013-12-15 08:09:57 -0800 (-0800), John Dickinson wrote:
> It's got to be balanced so it doesn't turn into a vendor honeypot

FWIW, over the past couple summits I've been most scrutinizing of
any talks which look like they have some chance of being warped into
a vendor-specific sales pitch, and choose open forum/panel formats
and presentations from deployers before all else. Put in abstracts
for these sorts of sessions and I can pretty well guarantee, at
least for any track I chair, that they'll be selected.
Jeremy Stanley

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