Hi Ben,

Thanks a lot for the sharing. This is in deed a great discussion. As you know, I am always looking for ways to improve this quarterly analysis. Let's see how we can make it better together.

Best regards,

Qingye Jiang (John)
Senior Member, IEEE

ÔÚ 2013-7-4£¬ÏÂÎç10:02£¬Yujie Du <duyujie.dyj@gmail.com> дµÀ£º

Hi Qingye,

Thanks for you good work on the community reports! It's very useful for us to see the community activities.Just as we discussed on Weibo, there are some suggestions about the statistics on OpenStack. I think it will be better to let you know what we are taking about.


2013/7/4 Bob Ball <bob.ball@citrix.com>
I'd also suggest that devstack could be included in the statistics for OpenStack (devcloud, the equivalent for cloudstack, is buried in the cloudstack.git repository).

While the actual code analysis is great, I wonder if the analysis could also include the documentation (and wiki?) as that's perhaps even more of a critical measure?


-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Bell [mailto:Tim.Bell@cern.ch]
Sent: 04 July 2013 12:57
To: Yujie Du; Stefano Maffulli
Cc: Gordon, Joe; marketing@lists.openstack.org; user-committee@lists.openstack.org; community@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [User-committee] [OpenStack Marketing] [openstack-community] qyjohn's quarterly report of the size and health of the 4 open source projects is out

The oslo project is also missed off for the git statistics.

Is there an easy way to capture the IRC activity and trends ?


From: Yujie Du [mailto:duyujie.dyj@gmail.com]
Sent: 04 July 2013 13:29
To: Stefano Maffulli
Cc: community@lists.openstack.org; marketing@lists.openstack.org; user-committee@lists.openstack.org; Gordon, Joe
Subject: Re: [User-committee] [OpenStack Marketing] [openstack-community] qyjohn's quarterly report of the size and health of the 4
open source projects is out

Here is the English report from my friend Qingye: http://www.qyjohn.net/?p=3321
And I will give him the feedback.

2013/7/4 Stefano Maffulli <stefano@openstack.org>
On 07/04/2013 11:03 AM, Gordon, Joe wrote:
> The git commit numbers look way off, for the reasons you mentioned
> below.
> These numbers are more accurate (at least with regard to OpenStack -
> AFAIK they mine teh data from github.com/openstack) :

I think this is a better link, listing Apache CloudStack:


> From: Atwood, Mark Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2013 11:47 AM To:
> The data sources for discussion thread metrics for OpenStack are
> https://lists.openstack.net/openstack/
> https://answers.launchpad.net/openstack/
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/*/ https://ask.openstack.org/
> Is he missing any public discussion forums about OpenStack of import
> that we should bring to his attention?
I think he's missing a lot of discussions that don't happen on
openstack.org. domains, like the discussions on meetup.com, google
groups, G+, Facebook group, etc. Some of these stats we don't track
either (yet), but we're pushing forward an effort to consolidate these
sources and give users a better/easiest way to find peers. For example,
we now host mailing lists in non-english languages on
lists.openstack.org (at the moment Vietnamese, Italian and Spanish) and
we're starting a project for a user group portal that will aggregate
things from meetup.com.

> His also mines the git repos for quantum, keystone, glance, horizon,
> swift, cinder, and nova.  This misses the contributions by incubation
> projects, preincubation projects, the infrastructure projects, and
> client projects.
That's the least solid part of his report. Ohloh does a better job, even
if the way OpenStack uses git and github makes numbers less comparable
across projects. The lack of source code for the git analysis on ohloh
and john's report makes both of them less of a 'reliable source' for
quote to me.

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