Hello trainers and volunteer mentors, it's time: we start on Saturday morning. Like in other times, we should meet on Friday evening before the start to give one first look at the rooms and review the plan together. I am landing in YVR tomorrow at 4pm. We should try to meet, maybe around 7:30pm or so. How about we meet at the bar of the Pacific Rim hotel at 7:30pm? I'll be checking my email and hang out on IRC, too. There are still a couple of patches to the training material that need to land but all in all I'm not very concerned about these. https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/training-guides+status:op... We have been offered $500 worth of public clouds by Citicloud and free accounts on OVH, plus Dreamhost and HP have free trials. And we have trystack.org too, so we're well covered. Anything else I'm forgetting? See you tomorrow, stef