Hi everyone!

With a newly formatted OpenInfra Summit, I wanted to make sure the OpenInfra Foundation is clearly communicating what is going on behind the scenes.  

With the OpenInfra Summit moving to a community-powered format, timelines and announcement dates are a bit harder to predict. With that said, we want to make sure we are keeping open lines of communication with the community to ensure the best experience for everyone.

This year, we will have quite a few events going on and with so many moving pieces, I want to make sure everyone understands the processes as well as where to direct any questions. Moving forward, Allison Price or I will be updating the Foundation mailing list[1] and Community mailing list[2] anytime we have an update to the events’ webpages. These emails will be tagged with [OpenInfra Event Update]. Our community managers will also re-share the archived email to the project mailing lists. We will also continue providing updates to our newsletter, however those updates will be at a lesser cadence.

The emails will be formatted so that any new updates are listed at the top and a general status update will be listed below. The current 2024 events updates/status is as follows:

OpenInfra Summit Asia:
The marketing page for the Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia has launched[3]. This page will provide a high-level overview of the OpenInfra Summit. Next month we will launch the event page where you will find information on the CFP, registration, and more.
Sponsorship pricing for the Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia has been posted[4]. Some of the benefits are in flux, but the majority is final.
The Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia is being planned in collaboration with the Open Compute Project(OCP) community[5]!

OpenInfra Days Europe and North America:
There is a new OpenInfra Days page[6]. This page is where you will find information on all future OpenInfra Days. Currently, this page just provides a high-level overview and later this quarter we will launch the event page where registration and the CFP will be found.
Registration for OpenInfra Days Turkiye (20 May 2024 in Istanbul) is now open! [7]
Sponsorship information[8] for OpenInfra Days Turkiye and OpenInfra Days Germany is posted. Sponsorship information for the rest of the OpenInfra Days is still being processed, I will provide an update as those are posted.
The venue for OpenInfra Days Germany has been confirmed as Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, Germany[9].
OpenInfra Days USA has expanded to OpenInfra Days North America to include the communities in LATAM and Canada. The venue and date are still being confirmed.

The PTG:
Team signup for the PTG[10] ends 18 February, be sure to sign up your team before the deadline.

- Date: 8-12 April 2024
- Location: Virtual

OpenInfra Days Sweden
- Date: 7 May 2024
- Location: Volvohallen, Gothenburg, Sweden

Sovereign Cloud Stack Summit x OpenInfra Days Germany
- Date: 14 & 15 May 2024
- Location: Villa Elisabeth, Berlin, Germany

OpenInfra Days Turkiye
- Date: 20 May 2024
- Location: Albert Long Hall Cultural Center, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkiye

OpenInfra Days France
- Date: May 2024
- Location: More info coming soon

UK Meetup
- Date: May 2024
- Location: More info coming soon

Switzerland Meetup
- Date: 6 June 2024
- Location: CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia
- Date: 3-4 September 2024
- Location: Suwon Convention Center, Suwon, Korea

OpenInfra Days North America
- Date: Q4 2024
- Location: More info coming soon

If you have any questions, email us at events@openinfra.dev!


Community Programs Coordinator
The OpenInfra Foundation

[1] Foundation mailing list: https://lists.openinfra.dev/mailman3/lists/foundation.lists.openinfra.dev/
[2] Community mailing list: https://lists.openinfra.dev/mailman3/lists/community.lists.openinfra.dev/
[3] Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia Marketing Page: https://openinfra.dev/summit/
[4] Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia Sponsorship Page: https://openinfra.dev/events/sponsorship/
[5] Open Compute Project: https://www.opencompute.org/
[6] OpenInfra Days page: https://openinfra.dev/days
[7] OpenInfra Days Turkiye Registration: https://openinfraturkiye.org.tr/event-registration/
[8] OpenInfra Days Turkiye and OpenInfra Days Germany: https://openinfra.dev/events/sponsorship/
[9] OpenInfra Days Germany Venue: https://www.elisabeth.berlin/en/cultural-venues/villa-elisabeth
[10] PTG team signup: https://openinfrafoundation.formstack.com/forms/april2024_ptg_survey