On 07/09/2013 12:21 AM, Qing He wrote:
I’m wondering what is the process or criteria for someone other than the one who asked the question to close a question?
Hi there, questions can be closed by forum moderators for different reasons. If you're referring to https://ask.openstack.org/question/2754/feature-comparison-with-the-cloud-so..., I closed the question because I believe it's a base for a subjective discussion, not a question in the sense that Ask is built for. Quoting from the help and faq pages:
Ask OpenStack is a question and answer site for OpenStack users and developers. It's built and run by you. With your help, we're working together to build a library of detailed answers to every question about OpenStack.
This site is for asking and answering questions, not for open-ended discussions. We encourage everyone to use “question” space for asking and “answer” for answering.
Despite that, each question and answer can be commented – the comments are good for the limited discussions.
A better place to have that discussion is on the General mailing list. Instructions on how to join on http://wiki.openstack.org/MailingLists Cheers, stef -- Ask and answer questions on https://ask.openstack.org