Hi guys


I suggest to launch a Startup resource website with more interesting graphical and simpler contents, may be in Comic style / flash games, which introduce what the OpenStack is and provide startups a standard & easy-understood steps to build a simple OpenStack private cloud. This resource page should also provide in different languages, community leader or coming ambassadors should able to coordinate the languages translation.


Secondly, we should focus more examples of running applications on OpenStack Private/Public Cloud, covering more business industries, eg: digital entertainment, sales, education, e-marketing, social media, Apps games, and so on.  It is because most of them are carved know to how OpenStack private cloud can be used/applied in their businesses/industries, or improve their running applications or services. 


I have been questioning by some IT guys from different industries, which they have same questions about how OpenStack private cloud can improve their existing server infrastructure and running applications.  Even they have a lot of servers,

·         They do not know how to get start,

·         contents is not centralized and not user-friendly enough to learn or take reference,

·         There is no official-like support in their region


I have a closed client whom their business is SME, doing digital entertainment and 3D educational games for environment protection. I took almost 2 years to persuade them to change their existing server infrastructure into OpenStack private cloud because they do not how to begin their OpenStack journey.  Obviously OpenStack is very useful and cost-effective for SMEs.  However, there is lack of local support.


Finally we should an internal training material and resources for community leaders of user groups to conduct standard introduction, familiarization session or training workshops to their region.



Bruce Lok

Coordinator of HKOSUG


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Fifield [mailto:tom@openstack.org]
Sent: Monday, 02 September, 2013 08:01
To: community@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-community] User Groups: Balancing new and experienced users


With the massive growth of OpenStack, so too have our user groups grown.

Not just in number, or attendance, but also in their skill at delivering material at varying levels of complexity.


With this, I felt it was high time we started a discussion on how best to continue to support those attendees just beginning their OpenStack journey while satisfying the needs of the burgeoning number of more advanced users.


In talking with the user group leaders around the world, I've heard many different techniques. From running simultaneous parallel topic streams, alternative monthly sessions, or having a 'n00b' hour prior to the start of the main event.


I'm keen to hear your ideas. What do you do to manage the different levels of achievement of those in your community? Do you have content?

What would you like to see?


Looking forward to your thoughts,





Community mailing list

