How to Effectively Contribute to An Open Source Project Such As OpenStack Neutron

As Neutron’s Tech Lead (PTL), Kyle Mestery has been mostly heads down working to ensure the Neutron project has a successful Juno release. Increasingly, and especially near OpenStack Juno milestone deadlines, he’s forced to make hard choices and start turning new features down in order to focus on shipping good quality code for Juno. He sent an email to the openstack-dev mailing list this morning addressing the pressure his team is under. He also wrote a longer blog post to expand upon that email.

OpenStack Failures

Last week the bulk of the brain power of the OpenStack QA and Infra teams were all in one room, in real life. This was a great opportunity to spend a bunch of time diving deep into the current state of the Gate, figure out what’s going on, and how we might make things better. Sean Dague, Jim Blair, wElizabeth K. Joseph and bmwiedemann wrote a summary of the week.

OpenStack plays Tetris : Stacking and Spreading a full private cloud

CERN is running a large scale private cloud which is providing compute resources for physicists analysing the data from the Large Hadron Collider. With 100s of VMs created per day, the OpenStack scheduler has to perform a Tetris like job to assign the different flavors of VMs falling to the specific hypervisors.

Juno Updates – Security, Authentication and other neat things

There is a lot of development work going on in Juno in security related areas. Nathan Kinder wrote up some of the more notable efforts that are under way in Keystone, Barbican, Kite and other projects.

The Road To Paris 2014 – Deadlines and Resources

During the Paris Summit there will be a working session for the Women of OpenStack to frame up more defined goals and line out a blueprint for the group moving forward. We encourage all women in the community to complete this very short surveyto provide input for the group.

Security Advisories and Notices

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Mike Smith Roman Vasilets
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Scott Reeve Amey Ghadigaonkar
Pawel Palucki Alexandr Naumchev
Travis McPeak Michele Paolino
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David Caudill Travis McPeak
FeihuJiang ChingWei Chang
Anusha JJ Asghar
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