On 2016-05-18 17:58:41 +0200 (+0200), Florian Haas wrote: [...]
I, for one, am not fond of letting go of community involvement, for concern of never getting it back.
Given that track chairs are volunteers from the community, frequently rotated out, I don't see how getting rid of voting means getting rid of community involvement. Other aspects of OpenStack don't (or shouldn't) operate on mob rule; the people who step forward to do the work are the ones who make the decisions. That said, I wouldn't mind seeing us have some platform to allow members of the general community to provide constructive feedback to prospective speakers _prior_ to starting the chairing process, allowing them the opportunity to refine their abstracts based on audience interest. Like code review, but for talk proposals. (Also, a mechanism to provide feedback to speakers _after_ they've given their presentations would be nifty.) -- Jeremy Stanley