
Some of the groups are randomly distributed across the map, for example, Atlanta showing in the middle of Idaho. North Carolina in Missouri, LA in South Texas, etc.Inline image 1

On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 5:17 PM, Stefano Maffulli <> wrote:
Hello folks,

the groups portal is now live at It's still
limited in what it can do but it already looks better than the simple
wiki pages we have been using. Marton Kiss is the lead developer, the
portal is based on Drupal, with fully automated CI behind it: we hope
there will be lots of patches coming in.

The portal is replacing the content of some wiki pages [1] (we'll start
deprecating them shortly).

Besides the map, the portal sports a very nice list of events pulled
from each group hosted on Visitors to the site will be able
to see the list of known events on

We're using the shiny new Storyboard to track bugs and keep the roadmap.!/project/704

If you run a user group not hosted on and you have different
sources for the list of events, please file a new task on Storyboard to
this story:!/story/178

The map and the searchable database of user groups is built out of this
json file:

If you see your group missing, you can either propose a change to the
json file (if you're familiar with git/gerrit workflow) or simply file a
request on Storyboard.

Static pages are managed through git, too, as simple markdown files.
Check the static pages on his git repository:

The whole system is fully published on:


Q - If it's based on Drupal, why are you using git for pages?
A - Drupal's workflow management and users/roles are quite complex to
setup and we wanted to go live as rapidly as possible. Since we had
already setup a module capable of importing markdown content we thought
of using the well tested workflow based on gerrit and git-review. We
will consider implementing the natural Drupal-based workflow in the future.

Q - How do I login?
A - We're going to enable logging in the portal as soon as the OpenStack
OpenID portal is launched. This shouldn't take more than 4-6 weeks. In
case things seem to take any longer we'll evaluate other alternatives.

Q - You seem to be importing events only from Can you add
more sources?
A - Yes, as long as they come in a standard format. Add a task to this

Q - How do I add a new group? How do I amend the details for an existing
A - File a patch to the json file (until we have a
different method)

Q - I spotted a bug, where do I file it?
A - Good question. We're using


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