Hello folks, tomorrow I'll try to jump on IRC for the weekly meeting to discuss the status of projects managed by the Community team. I've followed up on last week's action item, adding the meeting details on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Community and the agenda on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Community/MeetingAgenda For tomorrow, the topics to discuss are: * Follow up from previous action items - write activity board migration spec - dizquierdo to look for a diagram (picture) of grimoire architecture to illustrate all the pieces - reed to edit Meetings page and take #openstack-meeting-alt at 1700 UTC for #community meeting (DONE) * Update about infratization of Activity Board * Update about Askbot migration to infra (mrmartin) * Catchup on Groups portal work items I don't think we have time to add more for tomorrow, but if you have other things you want to discuss feel free to create another entry for March 16. Cheers, stef