Thanks so much for your feedback that’s continually helping us shape these virtual OpenDev events[1]. Keep reading this email for some important updates on all three events!
OpenDev: Large-scale Usage of Open Infrastructure SoftwareJune 29 -
July 1 (1300 - 1600 UTC each day)
Registration is open[2]!
High-level schedule coming soon; Find a brief topic summary and more information here[1]
OpenDev: Hardware Automation
July 20 - 22
Help us pick a time - visit this etherpad[3] and +1 the times you’re available and the topics you would like to cover - please provide your input by this Thursday, March 7.
OpenDev: Containers in Production
August 10 - 12
Help us pick a time - visit this etherpad[4] and +1 the times you’re available and the topics you would like to cover - please provide your input by this Thursday, March 7.
Find more information and updates on all of these events here[1].