Hi all, We are starting to develop a few orphaned questions. That is, unanswered questions which were impossible to answer - especially where the poster was asked to provide more information and they did not. For example, https://ask.openstack.org/question/287/on-devstack-floating-ip-works-with-on... https://ask.openstack.org/question/530/exception-when-running-stacksh/ https://ask.openstack.org/question/1650/instances-drop-immediately-essex/ https://ask.openstack.org/question/1735/cant-add-project/ https://ask.openstack.org/question/1359/quantumkeystone-service-randomly-dis... In order to retain the usefulness of Ask for searching and listing questions (especially enabling people to find unanswered questions to answer), should we be closing these style of questions after a certain time period? Regards, Tom