On 05/18/2016 03:14 AM, Florian Haas wrote:
Which means that track chairs would have to completely guess what the audience might find interesting.
The crowd doesn't know this either. On 05/18/2016 05:54 AM, Maish Saidel-Keesing wrote:
If we can come to an agreed format that the votes DO have say - but NOT the only or main criteria - then it is worthwhile.
We don't need to ask for votes, since those are not very useful: large and well organized corporations will always get more votes because clicks are too cheap. Instead of votes, we may ask for written comments instead: I'd read those if I were a track chair and undecided about a proposal. I'm not attached to votes per se: what I think we should keep is - the drums beating signaling the incoming summit: these bring visibility - the openness: the fact that I can browse proposed talks is a valuable thing as a speaker and one that sets apart OpenStack from other conferences /stef