DefCore Update: Input Request for Havana Capabilities

As part of our community’s commitment to interoperability, the OpenStack Board of Directors has been working to make sure that “downstream” OpenStack-branded commercial products offer the same baseline functionality and include the same upstream, community-developed code. The work to define these required core capabilities and code has been led by the DefCore Committee co-chaired by Rob Hirschfeld (his DefCore blog) and Joshua McKenty (his post). You can read more about the committee history and rationale in Mark Collier’s blog post. The next deadlines are: OSCON on July 21, 11:30 am PDT and the Board Meeting on July 22nd.

And the K cycle will be named… Kilo !

The results of the poll are just in, and the winner proposal is “Kilo”. “k” is the unit symbol for “kilo”, a SI unit prefix (derived from the Greek word χίλιοι which means “thousand”). “Kilo” is often used as a shorthand for “kilogram”, and the kilogram is the last SI base unit to be tied to a reference artifact (stored near Paris in the Pavillon de Breteuil in Sèvres).

Five Days + Twelve Writers + One Book Sprint = One Excellent Book on OpenStack Architecture

A dozen OpenStack experts and writers from companies across the OpenStack ecosystem gathered at VMware’s Palo Alto campus for the OpenStack Architecture Design Guide book sprint. The intent was to deliver a completed book aimed architects and evaluators, on designing OpenStack clouds — in just five days.

Only developers should file specifications and blueprints

If you try to solve a problem with the wrong tool you’re likely going to have a frustrating experience. OpenStack developers use blueprints define the roadmap for the various projects, the specifications attached to a blueprint are used to discuss the implementation details before code is submitted for review. Operators and users in general don’t need to dive in the details of how OpenStack developers organize their work and definitely should never be asked to use tools designed for and by developers.

Third Party CI group formation and minutes

At this week’s meeting the Third-Party group continues to discuss documentation patches, including a new terminology proposal, as well as CI system naming, logging and test timing. There was also a summary review of the current state of Neutron driver CI rollout. Anyone deploying a third-party test system or interested in easing third-party involvement is welcome to attend the meetings. Minutes of ThirdParty meetings are carefully logged.

The Road To Paris 2014 – Deadlines and Resources

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