So far Monty, Sean, Chris, and Alex have offered to speak. I want to keep it focused on the state of the community and the future. I like the ideas of speaking on core capabilities, features, new projects, and stackforge innovation. I think this schedule could work:
7:00-7:05pm Sean intro 
- Monty state of the infrastructure
- Chris core capabilities plus integrated/incubation (near)
- Alex stackforge innovation and the future (far)
7:30-10:00pm party and drinks


On Jul 8, 2014, at 7:03 PM, "Sean Roberts" <> wrote:

Tentative plan is to hold this at the 111 Minna Gallery in SF on 30 July.

We plan on having a party with food and drink. HP is leading the event details. More information very soon.

I am working on the speaker list. I would like to have 3-5 short 5-15 minute talks on the state of OpenStack.
Monty Taylor on Infrastructure
Myself on Congress and Community Training

I’d like to get a few different projects and local startups covered. Interested?

Sean Roberts
Infrastructure Strategy (925) 980-4729

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