Whether you want to build the software, run it, grow the community or just learn more about it, there will be content, workshops and design sessions for you to attend at the OpenStack Summit, Oct 15-18 in San Diego. The agenda is complete. Stick around Friday for the first OpenStack service day, a 1/2 day beach cleanup.
Aside from the Grizzly Design Summit sessions, there will be also a room for an Unconference, open from Tuesday to Thursday. You can grab a 40-min slot there to present anything related to OpenStack! We’ll also have 5-min Lightning talks after lunch on Monday-Wednesday where you can talk about anything you want. There will be a board posted on the Summit floor, first-come-first-served.
If you can’t make it to San Diego but you still want to participate in the sessions that will shape the future roadmap of OpenStack ‘Grizzly’ you can join the live audio streaming events on Webex. Kindly donated by Cisco Webex team (users of OpenStack themselves), the Webex session will run for the whole day from 9:30am to 6:00pm for each of the rooms Emma AB, Emma C, Windsor BC, Annie AB where the Design Summit will happen.
GigaOm‘s Barb Darrow intrigued the cloud community with her 8 questions about OpenStack as the next summit approaches. Boris Renski didn’t resist answering to all of them.
Sina keeps increasing its investments on OpenStack: not only code contributions for theFolsom release but also promotion of the project all across China and StackLab.org (since trystack.org is not accessible from China).
In other words, what Citrix contributed to Folsom: lots of nice things.
The OpenStack Swift project has been developing at a tremendous pace. The version 1.6.0 was released in August followed by 1.7.4 (Folsom) just after two months! In these two recent releases, many important features have also been implemented, for example the optimization for using SSD, object versioning, StatsD logging and much more – many of these features have significant implications for performance planning for the cloud builders and operators. Zmanda talks about benchmarks for Swift.
Syed Armani asked to participants to Indian OpenStack user group meetings what prevents them to become contributors. Interesting findings, we may want to expand the survey.
Evolution of web traffic on openstack.org in the 6 months period, from April-September 2012 compared to the previous period October 2011-March 2012.
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