Hello everyone!

Today, we hosted the first Collaborating without Boundaries Working Group meeting. We have decided to format the meetings so that each meeting will host one lightning talk followed by a discussion around the presented topics. Following the meeting we will produce a Superuser article summarizing the lightning talk and discussion.

The meetings will meet once a month on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 1500 UTC on https://meetpad.opendev.org/CWB 

The next meeting will be moderated by Seongsoo Cho who will present a lightning talk on how the Korea user group is promoting OpenStack to their region and collaborating with the local university. 

Next meeting: Wednesday, August 23, 15:00UTC
See the notes from today’s meeting here: https://meetpad.opendev.org/etherpad/p/cwb 


Marketing & Community Coordinator
The OpenInfra Foundation