OpenStack 2013.1.1 released

2013.1.1 release, the latest in the series of stable releases. These releases are bugfix updates to Grizzly and are intended to be relatively risk free with no intentional regressions or API changes. A total of 85 bugs have been fixed in this release.

OpenStack Grizzly documentation released

We have released a version of the OpenStack official documentation for grizzly and it is now available at We continue to update docs through our continuous publishing process so feedback is always welcome. If you have questions about how OpenStack documentation is maintained or would like to get involved, see We had nearly 80 contributors to the documentation for the Grizzly release. Thanks to everyone who helped create and maintain accurate information for OpenStack.

Guidelines for answering question on Ask

It’s time we start collecting guidelines for the moderators so we keep having a very informative tool, with consistently good questions and answers. This wiki page hosts the draft of the Guidelines for Moderators Comments welcome before they’re moved to their natural home on Ask OpenStack.

Discussions at Breakfast with the Board – OpenStack April 2013 Summit

The summary written by OpenStack Foundation’s Board of Directors of the things discussed during the Breakfast with the Bard in Portland, ranging from marketing to wifi, transparency to elections to what makes a contribution. A must read.

Use existing RBD images and put it into Glance

What if Glance, the OpenStack Image Service, was capable of converting images within its store, say from QCOW2 image to a RAW? Waiting for this capability to be added, Sébastien Han plays with a scenario where you have a KVM cluster backed by a Ceph Cluster and your CTO wants you to migrate the whole environment to OpenStack. Science fiction in action.

Security Issues

OpenStack In The Wild

A new section of the weekly newsletter dedicated to users of OpenStack. If you want to showcase how OpenStack helps you (or you know somebody that uses OpenStack) please let us know: email, twitter, reddit or avian carrier will do). More content from Portland Summit:

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