On 2016-05-18 11:54:06 +0100 (+0100), Maish Saidel-Keesing wrote: [...]
From the selection process [1]
Track Chairs will receive a slate of presentations to review and they will determine the final schedule. Community votes are meant to **help inform the decision, but are not the only guide**. Track chairs are expected to exercise judgment in their area of expertise and help ensure diversity. Real-world user stories and in-the-trenches experiences are favored over sales pitches.
This is so ambiguous - and completely unclear [...]
As a chair emeritus from several past summits, I feel like ambiguity is the only way this can work. There is data provided to the chairs, which they can choose to use in helping them make their collective decisions as to which talks are selected. Providing chairs with selection rules undermines any faith in their ability to do the job, and at that point you might as well get rid of track chairs entirely. -- Jeremy Stanley