Hi everyone!
We are very excited to let you know that the first schedule in the OpenInfra Days Europe series is now live!

OpenInfra Day Sweden
The OpenInfra Day Sweden (7 May) schedule includes talks around Zuul, OpenStack, Kubernetes, and more! 
Take a look at the schedule: https://www.oidsweden2024.se/schedule
Register for FREE: https://oideurope2024.openinfra.dev/#registration=1
OpenInfra Day France
The CFP for OpenInfra Day France closes FRIDAY: https://openinfrafoundation.formstack.com/forms/2024_openinfra_days_france_cfp

————— EVENT STATUS—————
Want to sponsor a 2024 OpenInfra event? Take a look at your options! https://openinfra.dev/events/sponsorship

Submit your talks!
- OpenInfra Day France: The deadline to submit your talk is 12 April https://openinfrafoundation.formstack.com/forms/2024_openinfra_days_france_cfp
- OpenInfra Day Hungary: The deadline to submit your talk is 23 April https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe0JihvR_CQSB_r8G9bqZdtC8RIIZkxygyBNqqVXIsfGebkWw/viewform
- OpenInfra Day Turkiye: The deadline to submit your talk is 30 April https://openinfraturkiye.org.tr/call-for-presentations/
- OpenInfra Summit Asia: The Deadline to submit your talk is 29 May https://openinfrafoundation.formstack.com/forms/openinfra_asia_summit_2024
OpenInfra Days Europe
See the latest info on OpenInfra Days Europe here: https://openinfra.dev/days
If you have any questions, email us at events@openinfra.dev!
Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia
See the latest info on the Regional OpenInfra Summit Asia here: https://openinfra.dev/summit
If you have any questions, email us at summit@openinfra.dev!


Community Programs Coordinator
The OpenInfra Foundation