I am trying to do Integration testing of Openstack environmment (Devstack) using Tempest.
I have my setup with multi node installation of Devstack i.e. one controller and one compute node.
On controller node I am having my Tempest root directory and I have also installed Coverage, Tissue
and Openstack-nose as it was mentioned in the setup.cfg file. I have also changed the tempest.conf file
according to my localrc file.
I am totally new to Tempest and trying to have hand on this. Currently I am running tests in the directory
" tempest/tests ". But although most of the tests are OK, I am getting some tests FAILED and in some tests
some errors (I have attached a file containing its total output).
I am having some issues like :
1). whenever I am running any test I am getting a WARNING. I am running using :
~/tempest$ nosetests -v --with-tissue --tissue-color --with-openstack tempest/tests
2). when I am running entire tempest/tests it is showing total 350 tests, but where are all these tests.
I am not finding them anywhere ?
3). when I ran tempest/tests/network and tempest/tests/image individually, I got 0 test results.
Don't know why it is so ?
4). I want to understand the test scripts already provided and then to write my own. But I am not getting that
from where (which test) I should start because I am new to Python also ?
5). I want to now more about functioning of Tempest and Nose. Could you please suggest me some useful
tutorials or links for beginners.
I am attaching a file containing the test results on my setup.
Thanks and Regards,
Girija Sharan Singh