Thanks to Mark Atwood for fielding the offer for an OpenStack presence at the MySQL conference in the Santa Clara Convention Center. I spoke to the .org pavilion organizer today. The offer is no charge and includes a 6' table, chairs, sign and 1 electrical outlet (no Internet). We can do this with enough volunteers. I'll support it by drawing up a booth volunteer schedule and shipping the following: - tablecloth - hanging banner - 6' popup quickscreen summarizing the software - collateral - stickers to giveaway - pens to giveaway - videos and ppt presentations in a Dropbox for advance download to laptops (no monitor rental; and no Internet for onsite download) Mark has offered to setup and Colin McNamara has volunteered for Wednesday, I assume for the daytime hours. We need a bunch of volunteers to make this work. The expo hours are Monday, 4/22, 1:00-4:15 setup (Mark Atwood) Monday, 4/22 4:30-6:30 opening reception Tuesday, 4/23 10:20-5:20 Wednesday 4/24: 10:20-4:50 (Colin McNamara) and 6-9pm reception Thursday, 4/25: 10:45-1:20 Thursday, 4/25 1:20-3:45 teardown, packing, return shipping. If possible to commit by Thursday, we can get in the conference guide. Thanks everyone for making it happen!-- Regards, Kathy Cacciatore OpenStack Industry Event Planner 1-512-970-2807 (mobile) Part time: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm US CT