Register Now For The Summit in Hong Kong
在 全体大会中将提供英文至中文之即时翻译。 要得到更多信息, 请查阅注册信息页

The last batch of invites to the Summit for OpenStack Active Technical Contributors will be send in the next 10 days. If you have committed code or documentation before September 6 expect official communication soon.

Participate in the OpenStack User Survey by September 30!

We’re kicking off the second round of the OpenStack User Survey this month! You may remember before the April Summit we helped the User Committee run a survey to aggregate OpenStack deployments and share the results.

OpenStack Docs Boot Camp Wrap Up

We gathered about 20 writers and developers who wanted to learn about OpenStack documentation in the Mirantis training room for two days this week in Mountain View, California. The idea for a docs boot camp came from the OpenStack Infrastructure team who held one back in June. We wanted to enable more people to contribute to OpenStack documentation through in-person training and team building. It’s not like a book sprint, with the goal of a book in five days, but rather a training session, with questions and answers in real time. Read the full report from Anne Gentle.

Contributing To OpenStack Even If You Are Not A Developer

Kenneth Hui outlines some ways for community members to become contributors to OpenStack without having to write a line of Python code.

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