Join Mark Collier, OpenStack Foundation, and other FOSS and standards experts as the topic of "How Open Standards and Open Source complement and/or compete" is discussed.  Topics include has code has replaced formats, whether APIs have replaced standards, and what to make of all the new projects like OpenStack, OpenDaylight, OpenInterconnect and AllSeen. What is "open" going to mean in 2020?  Join this live-without-a-net, 30-minute chat. The session is open to all and may be viewed via Google+ or the OASIS YouTube Channel


Open Standards and Open Source: Either/or Both?
[30 Sept @11:00 AM EDT]



Kathy Cacciatore
Consulting Marketing Manager
OpenStack Foundation
1-512-970-2807 (mobile)
Part time: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm US CT