Hi Everyone,

At the OpenInfra Summit in June, we held a forum session to discuss forming a new working group:

Many communities around the world are underserved when it comes to infrastructure and connectivity. Individuals and organizations encounter barriers, often limited with a single non-local, cloud solution. In some cases, there is no option at all. Additionally, a lack of technology training programs can result in aspiring entrepreneurs and workers leaving the region for training, taking their skills and ideas with them. 

Many organizations and individuals are working separately to solve these problems. The OpenInfra community works best when we collaborate without boundaries by embracing the Four Opens. This session will establish an opportunity to level the playing field through open collaboration, creating a unified place to help these groups work together and share knowledge around solving these problems through open infrastructure, open connectivity, micro transactions, and technology training programs.

You can find the notes from this forum here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/collaboration-wo-boundaries-vancouver-forum-2023 

I would like to propose a meeting time for an initial meeting to discuss setting up the working group.The time I propose is Wednesday, July 26 at 1500 UTC. We can meet via https://meetpad.opendev.org/CWB

A few goals of our initial meeting:
- Outlining goals for the working group
- Deciding a format for meetings
- Deciding a meeting cadence
- Decide topic for the next meeting

Here is an etherpad to track the progress of the working group: https://meetpad.opendev.org/etherpad/p/cwb 


Marketing & Community Coordinator
The OpenInfra Foundation