Highlights of the week

Ceilometer bug squash day #1

What better way to start the new year? The Ceilometer team is pleased to announce that it organizes a bug squashing day on the Friday 4th January 2013. You can get started by reading how to contribute to Ceilometer, from updating the documentation, to fixing bugs. There’s a lot you can do. Good support for Ceilometer is built into Devstack, so installing a development platform is really easy.

Thinking about the mission of the user committeee

Narayan Desai started a discussion about the mission of OpenStack Foundation’s most important governing body: the User Committee. Any member of the OpenStack Foundation is welcome to chime in and help define the User Committee.

Resources for translators of documentation

A thread on the OpenStack Documentation mailing list lead to a summary post on how to get started translating OpenStack Manuals.

Tips and tricks

Upcoming Events

Other news

Welcome new contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

Bonus Video


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