Ah I see... Perhaps if you have reasonably good Internet access at the venue for your first meetup(s), we could do a Google Hangout or Skype call and do an introduction to the project over the Internet!? That way we could describe the project for your attendees, both at technical level and how the Foundation works etc, and have a Q&A session?



From: Surit Aryal [mailto:surit.killer@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2013 6:47 PM
To: Tristan Goode
Cc: community@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-community] New Community (Nepal)


Thanks Tristan,

Having informal talks with related people is skipping steps to me. I think I should know what to talk about and how to make people contribute. Total newbie here :) .

As you have a lot of experience with new community can you help me with all the beginning steps too.



On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Tristan Goode <tristan@aptira.com> wrote:

Hi Surit,


Welcome!!! Have you seen the "How To" guide at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStackUserGroups/HowTo ? There is some helpful information and links there to help get started.


We (our company Aptira) started off in Australia and India by holding an informal get together and we started by getting in touch with related FOSS UGs, NOGs and also educational institutions and inviting them to come eat some food and drink a few beers and talk. From there we invited some overseas guests to video conference to talk about specific projects in the OpenStack eco system. Lately we have been hooking people into meetups using Google Hangouts across the world. We also have an AOSUG planning Etherpad at https://etherpad.openstack.org/AustralianOpenStackGroupPlanning that we've been using lately to plan events.


Other than that, please ask and we'll do our best to help you get underway.


I know everyone that has started a group that I've met (so many people in the last couple of years!) have had a great time, and I feel very fortunate now to be part of this community. I look forward to seeing you feel the same way!





Australian OpenStack UG co-founder and organizer

Indian OpenStack UG supporter

Member OpenStack oundation BoD



From: Surit Aryal [mailto:surit.killer@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2013 5:47 PM
To: community@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-community] New Community (Nepal)


Hi all,

Few days back I was asked to drop an email to this mailing list by Tom regarding the subject, But I was busy preparing for SFD in Nepal so I could not send one. I have bought some time to write an email today.


My name is Surit and I am from Nepal. I am a student. I am a FOSS enthusiast. I am involved with different FOSS related groups in my country like FOSS Nepal, Mozilla Nepal, Nepal Open Source Klub (NOSK) etc. I am also a Mozilla representative for my country.

Few days back I started contributing to openstack by translating(localization) in Transifex.

Now I would like to open a community here in my country so that I could fetch more contributors. I would like to know the necessary process for doing so.

In addition to that I am also a little naive to this project so it would be great if I could receive some trainings or something that would help me and my community


Surit Aryal