Hi everyone,

This week’s OpenInfra Live episode is brought to you by the OpenInfra Community. 

Interested in learning more or improving your open source development skills? Looking to learn more about OpenStack and Kubernetes administration and prep for the Certified OpenStack Administrator or Certified Kubernetes Administrator exams? Join us as OpenInfra organizations discuss their training programs and how they can accelerate your open source career. 

Episode: Open Source Training Opportunities 

Date and time: September 2nd at 9am CT (1400 UTC)

You can watch us live on:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bMI1fcrI0A
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:6837107897214873600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/104139126308032/posts/4280304645358105/
WeChat: recording will be posted on OpenStack WeChat after the live stream

Huang Chenhao (99 Cloud)
Florian Haas (City Network)
Erno Erdelyi (Component Soft)
Paul Quigley (Mirantis)
John Walter (Red Hat) 

Have an idea for a future episode? Share it now at ideas.openinfra.live


Erin Disney
Event Marketing 
Open Infrastructure Foundation